中运锚链是全球领先的一站式船舶、海工系泊系统解决方案供应商。多年深耕锚链行业,自研生产的产品包括链径22MM~200MM的船用锚链、海洋系泊链,同时也生产焊接钢板锚、钢制系泊浮筒等系泊产品。截至2021年底,我们的产品已获得DNV-GL、ABS、BV、CCS、KR、LR、NK、RINA和RMRS等10个国际船级社的认证和ISO9001质量管理体系认证、ISO14001环境管理体系认证及18001职业健康安全管理体系认证。 China Shipping Anchor Chain is the world's leading manufacturer of one-stop Marine and offshore mooring system solutions. Many years of deep cultivation of the anchor chain industry, self-developed and produced products include chain diameter 22MM~200MM ship anchor chain, mooring chain, but also the production of welded steel anchor, steel mooring buoy and other mooring products. By the end of 2021, our products have been certified by 10 international classification societies such as DNV-GL, ABS, BV, CCS, KR, LR, NK, RINA and RMRS, as well as ISO9001 quality management system certification, ISO14001 environmental management system certification and 18001 Occupational health and safety management system certification. |